Friday, February 11, 2011

How to cook good food

Some Options are  Soup, Salad, Rice, Roti, Gravy,  Sandwiches,  Noodles, Pasta...Etc.

Use a recipe, find out what ingredients and tools you will need.  Visit to a local supermarket, veggie market, or wherever you usually buy ingredients for food. Get your ingredients and equipment together and think about each step that you are going to do. Stir, cool, defrost, toast, boil, or whatever you have to do to create your food. When your food is almost ready to serve, taste it, add salt, chilli, tamarind, pepper or herbs and spices to suit your tastes. Clean as you go, put ingredients away after you have used them, place used utensils by the sink ready for washing and wipe the benchtops after use. This makes it  a lot easier than a big cleanup. When you are ready to serve, place the food on the plate in a way that looks smart to you - its fun and is great to impress.